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Top 6 Fertility Gurus you all need to follow on Instagram

Infertility is a rocky road. There's a reason why those 1s in 8s are called "Infertility Warriors." The never-ending hospital visits, the dreaded negatives and the anxiety that just never fails to leave your side, it's all part of being a ttc survivor.

To serve you some light-hearted inspo along the way though, we have lined up our top picks for fertility bloggers on Instagram that we believe deserve a massive round of applause for their inspirational content.

Author of the award winning blog, Our Misconception, Candace is a writer, public speaker, infertility advocate and a mother through surrogacy. She along with her husband have also been featured on hit MTV documentary "I'm Desperate to have a Baby", that centers on couples struggling with infertility. Her Instagram offers a refreshing take on infertility with abundant positive, light-hearted content mixed together with profound takeaways about her experience with infertility and surrogacy. Candace also leads a @Resolve support group for women battling infertility.

With the hordes of infertility blogs created and run by women, Man of IVF (Man'sivfview) is a welcome addition to an ordinarily female-dominated sphere. Infertility affects both men and women equally and its both the parties that strive to keep their dream of family building alive. So it only makes sense that we get to hear the male perspective as well.

Lizzie, the creator of this hugely popular Instagram account, is a yoga instructor by profession who moved from Australia to the US last year because of her husband's job. With an overarching millennial-pink color palette, her IG feed is a seamless blend of personal updates along with memes and positivity quotes. Her blog aims to remove the stigma around infertility by helping ttc individuals and families out through emotional support and advice.

It is what it sounds like - a much need blog dedicated to women struggling with the challenges of PCOS and related infertility. Kym Cambell, the force behind this 89k strong community and a massively popular podcast by the same name, is a health coach and through her detailed dietary plans, recipes and tutorial aims to tackle PCOS right at the onset. This comprehensive blog offers a ton of great advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle while living with PCOS and how to manage your symptoms in the best possible way.

Raw as it sounds, this instagram account hits the nail on the head. Fertility treatments don't always go right or culminate in a happy ending. This blog shares it all. The unfiltered, unadulterated version of bringing a baby home. From success stories to the ones not quite there yet, InfertileAFstories focuses on sharing original stories that matter.

Lastly on our list, a much-needed instagram account run by an embryology lab director and a Reproductive Endocrinologist that shares unbiased, scientific explanations to all things IVF for the layman. With the amount of misinformation available on the interwebs about infertility and its "symptoms", it's high time we get access to more authentic and academic communities run by medical professionals to hear the no-BS side of things.


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