The decision to become a surrogate is undoubtedly one that comes with many challenges as well as second thoughts, yet the end reward is what makes the journey worth the blood, sweat and tears (quite literally).
If you’re thinking of becoming a gestational surrogate in California, it’s worth noting that California as a state does not stipulate any specific requirements for would-be surrogates and it is in fact up to the independent surrogacy agencies to determine screening requirements for them.
At Patriot Conceptions, we always prioritize putting in place a rigorous screening process in order to make sure that we get a chance to work with the most committed, driven and responsible gestational candidates. We receive hundreds of applications everyday out of which only a few get shortlisted based on our strict qualification prerequisites, some of which we have discussed below:
Age (21-38 yrs old) The age restrictions for surrogacy exist not just in California or the US but globally everywhere where this practice takes place. This is because pregnancy is a physical condition that takes its toll on the human body and only women belonging to a certain age bracket are healthy and fit enough to bear with the demands of carrying a successful pregnancy to term. These age restrictions also help mitigate any potential risks to the unborn child.
Having delivered at least one or more children through an uneventful, uncomplicated pregnancy. This condition makes sure that the potential surrogate comes with a record of healthy, normal pregnancies, increasing her chances of carrying the surrogate baby in a similar manner, too.
BMI of ≤ 30 A healthy body-mass index is fundamental to a successful pregnancy. Women whose BMI is above 30 are 2 to 4 times more likely to suffer from pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure during pregnancy.
Be a non-smoker, non-drug user We require all our surrogacy applicants to refrain from both first-hand and second-hand smoking.
Have no history of arrests or substance abuse We want to make sure that all our surrogates are law abiding and morally responsible citizens.
Not currently receiving federal/state financial assistance, please inquire as some forms of assistance are acceptable.
Must be a US citizen or legal alien This is especially important for Intended Parents traveling to the US from another country in the hopes of getting birth-right citizenship for their future child.
Willing to undergo a background check (along with the partner/spouse) This requirement makes sure that all our surrogates have a clean, untainted civil record.
Willing to undergo psychological evaluation We understand that surrogacy can get mentally taxing as you might potentially get attached to the unborn child growing inside of you even if you’re not in any way genetically linked to him/her. This is why our team of trained mental health professionals makes sure that our surrogate applicants are primarily driven by the ulterior motive of helping out a deserving family and that their mental health is in good shape to uphold the demands of a surrogate pregnancy.
Willing to undergo medical examination (STDs, drug test, Hepatitis test, pelvic exam, etc.) Consenting to surrogacy means countless medical appointments, tests, scans, doctor visits, ultrasounds and what not. We require all our surrogates to be mentally prepared to not just be available for all routine prenatal visits but also some preliminary medical exams and tests necessary before formally starting the process of surrogacy.
Although we feel grateful and truly honored to receive interest applications from so many surrogate hopefuls, we are also mindful of the fact that surrogacy is an extremely complex and high-impact decision for both the GC and the Intended Parents. Any loopholes or oversight can result in irreversible complications for either of the two parties involved.
For a detailed overview of our surrogate requirements, feel free to visit our surrogacy requirements page.