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What Factors May Disqualify You From Becoming a Surrogate?

Grace G

Are you contemplating the fulfilling journey of becoming a surrogate mother? You're likely to have delved into numerous aspects of the process, from medical procedures and compensation, to legal requirements. However, one critical question remains: Am I eligible to become a surrogate?

Below are some frequently asked questions about the specific factors that could disqualify you from becoming a gestational carrier with Patriot Conceptions.

Q: Can I be a surrogate at any age?

A: Our ideal candidates for surrogacy are between the ages of 21-39. Research suggests this is the best age range for childbearing, resulting in fewer complications and usually a faster recovery.

Q: Can I be a surrogate anywhere in the United States?

A: Almost all states are suitable locations for surrogates. As surrogacy laws are state-specific rather than federally mandated, and can differ from state to state (even county to county), not all states are favorable towards gestational surrogacy. For instance, Michigan prohibits compensated surrogacy. However, keep an eye out as laws are changing rapidly.

Q: Can I be a surrogate mother if I've never been pregnant?

A: No. We necessitate that you have previously given birth, and this requirement exists for several key reasons. Primarily, it allows us to confirm that you've had a satisfactory medical experience during pregnancy and have had a complication-free pregnancy and childbirth. Additionally, being familiar with pregnancy assures us that you have a fair understanding of the responsibilities of a gestational carrier.

Q: Can I be a surrogate if I'm not married?

A: Absolutely. Being married is not a prerequisite. However, it's crucial to think about who will provide you with support throughout the surrogacy journey. You will indeed have your match manager at hand to answer queries and offer support, in addition to your Surrogate Sisterhood support group. But they only meet a part of your needs. From emotional support to day-to-day logistics like childcare and housekeeping, having a reliable support system is invaluable during your surrogacy engagement. Therefore, whether you're married or not, consider who in your life can provide this support.

Q: Can I be a surrogate mother after tubal ligation?

A: Yes. Tubal ligation, or getting your "tubes tied," does not affect your uterus, and you can still be a surrogate. Since your egg isn't involved in surrogate pregnancy, your fallopian tubes don't need to be functional for you to become pregnant as a surrogate through In Vitro Fertilization.

Q: Can I be a surrogate if I'm receiving federal/state financial assistance?

A: It depends. While certain forms of assistance are acceptable, currently receiving federal/state financial assistance could potentially disqualify you. We would discuss your specific situation during your application process.

Q: Does my Body Mass Index (BMI) matter?

A: Yes, your BMI does matter and must be 30 or less to qualify as a surrogate. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an important aspect of your overall health profile. It's a measure that takes into account your weight and height to evaluate your body fat.

For surrogacy, a healthy BMI is critical for several reasons. First, a BMI within the recommended range is associated with lower risks of developing complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and the need for a cesarean section. These conditions can negatively impact both the surrogate and the baby's health.

Second, a lower BMI is associated with increased fertility, improving the chances of a successful embryo transfer, which is a crucial step in the surrogacy process.

Finally, maintaining a healthy BMI also indicates that you lead a healthy lifestyle, which is beneficial for the overall surrogacy journey. You can calculate your BMI here!

Q: Can I be a surrogate if I am not a U.S. citizen or legal alien?

A: No, you must be a U.S. citizen or a legal alien to qualify as a surrogate with Patriot Conceptions. This is a legal requirement in order to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Q: Is smoking or drug use a disqualifier?

A: Yes. We require our surrogates to be non-smokers living in a non-smoking home, as well as non-drug users. This is to ensure the best health outcomes for both the surrogate and the baby.

Q: Does a history of arrests or substance abuse disqualify me?

A: Yes, having a history of arrests or substance abuse can disqualify you from becoming a surrogate. Our surrogates must have a clear background and be willing to undergo a background check.

Q: Are there any medical or psychological evaluations required?

A: Yes. You must be willing to undergo a psychological evaluation, as well as a medical examination which could include tests for STDs, drug use, Hepatitis, and a pelvic exam.

Q: What if I think I am disqualified to be a surrogate mother?

A: Even if you think you might be disqualified, we still urge you to apply to be a surrogate. Our team may find a way for you to fulfill your dream of becoming a surrogate, and if not, you might have a friend who could qualify. You can help another family by enlightening them.

To view a comprehensive list of qualifications to be a surrogate mother, visit our website for surrogacy requirements. If you're interested in surrogacy, we'd be thrilled to hear more about you!

Calling All Potential Surrogates

Have you had a healthy and successful pregnancy? Are there people in your life who have struggled with infertility or need help growing their families? Have you ever thought about the significant role you could play in helping someone else build their family - as a surrogate? Discover more about the process and realize someone else's dream of family building. We would love to chat with you!


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